This time of year it's so easy for me to fall in the traps of routine, the mundane, and a little seasonal depression. Instead of focusing on all the whining I could do right now, I want to focus on some celebrations in our life.
3. My ankle is on the mend. My physical therapist cleared me to start walking up to two miles, and to pepper in some jogging as I see fit. I have a to clear a 14 point list of benchmarks before I am totally free from physical therapy, but in the mean time, I am free to work out on my own and check in every 10 days or so. This is better than the two days a week I've been doing the last four to six weeks.
I walked three times this week, roughly 2+ miles each time. Feels so good to enjoy the brisk 44 degrees (and sunshine) it's finally warmed up to be. I was getting a little tired of my stationary bike rides at my apartment complex gym.
2. I met my new boss. As many of you know my former boss passed away from complications due to his leukemia returning. It was a difficult winter for many of us in the office and in the parish. Despite our mourning, there is no doubt that our parish is in need of administrative and spiritual guidance. After about six weeks of waiting for the priest council to meet and make some decisions, we were finally blessed to know that our new boss is going to be exactly what we want and exactly what we need. He's the balance of our last two pastors. What more could we ask for than a balance of two pendulum swings?
In meeting him, I was instantly blown away by his enthusiasm and passion for my role at the church. A renewed vision that I so desperately need. I am looking forward to working with him, but also rising up to the challenges that he sets before me.
and now....drum roll...
I can finally announce.
(no we're not pregnant)
1. Eric started a new job! I am so proud of him! Not to brag. Okay. To Brag, I found the job for him. I was working on an updated job description for my new boss and in doing a little research for it, I found this incredible job that is not only exactly what Eric has been doing it, it's for a better company, and for a sizable raise and benefits package. We are beyond thrilled.
And that, my friends, is a few good things. Happy Saturday!
3. My ankle is on the mend. My physical therapist cleared me to start walking up to two miles, and to pepper in some jogging as I see fit. I have a to clear a 14 point list of benchmarks before I am totally free from physical therapy, but in the mean time, I am free to work out on my own and check in every 10 days or so. This is better than the two days a week I've been doing the last four to six weeks.
I walked three times this week, roughly 2+ miles each time. Feels so good to enjoy the brisk 44 degrees (and sunshine) it's finally warmed up to be. I was getting a little tired of my stationary bike rides at my apartment complex gym.
2. I met my new boss. As many of you know my former boss passed away from complications due to his leukemia returning. It was a difficult winter for many of us in the office and in the parish. Despite our mourning, there is no doubt that our parish is in need of administrative and spiritual guidance. After about six weeks of waiting for the priest council to meet and make some decisions, we were finally blessed to know that our new boss is going to be exactly what we want and exactly what we need. He's the balance of our last two pastors. What more could we ask for than a balance of two pendulum swings?
In meeting him, I was instantly blown away by his enthusiasm and passion for my role at the church. A renewed vision that I so desperately need. I am looking forward to working with him, but also rising up to the challenges that he sets before me.
and now....drum roll...
I can finally announce.
(no we're not pregnant)
1. Eric started a new job! I am so proud of him! Not to brag. Okay. To Brag, I found the job for him. I was working on an updated job description for my new boss and in doing a little research for it, I found this incredible job that is not only exactly what Eric has been doing it, it's for a better company, and for a sizable raise and benefits package. We are beyond thrilled.
What does Eric do? That's a great question. I'll put it in non-technical terms. His company manages the energy that large companies use (mostly heat, air, lighting, and refrigeration). Not so much office buildings, but say a large department store chain, a convenience store chain, or a warehouse. And for big name companies, too! Eric is the guy that helps the data interpreters and the software writers communicate. Having a background in electrical engineering and software development he knows both types of nerds languages. That's about as much as I can tell you. Now if you really want to know Eric. He'd be more than happy to talk shop with you. And by happy I mean, you won't be able to shut him up. (love you, honey)
We're looking forward to an extra week of vacation, a little free investment money, good health benefits, and of course, the extra income to start saving for a house (and God willing, some children!)
And that, my friends, is a few good things. Happy Saturday!

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