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Showing posts from July, 2013

A Newborn Session: Meet Luke + What I Learned

Legend has it that if the Mama eats the famous eggplant parmesan at Scalini's Fine Italian Restaurant  she'll go into labor within 48 hours.  Earlier this summer I went with a friend and it worked.  All Luke needed was the reservation. Born 5 days before his due date and the day before our Scalini's reservation, weighing in just under 8 pounds 11 ounces, we are so excited to have another nephew and a cousin for Evie on the Buergler side.  She is already in love with her little "uke" Leeann asked if I'd take a few pictures of him and I couldn't help but do a full blown newborn photo shoot. I was desperate for the experience and opportunity. Their house is rather idyllic for a photo shoot  They have everything within the 1500 square feet of their house: large patio with green yard, brick wall, and natural lit seating areas with great textured and patterned fabrics.   Of course their classic style and adorable bab...

On being intentional

I know I said I wasn't going to blog in July, but I just can't keep my mouth shut sometimes.  This is something that's really been on my heart lately and I have been dying to share! Being intentional. This has been coming to me in prayer for the last several weeks and the more I reflect on this virtue the more I see how much it fruit it has beared in my life the last few years, and how I need to lean on it even more these days. To me, being intentional is having a plan or goal in mind and working towards it.  I don't mean this in a rapid-fire to-do list style, but more of a meaningful, purposeful plan for life in the small things. A few years ago Eric and I knew we needed to get serious about our financial situation .  Through the grace of God we were gifted a set of Dave Ramsey CDs.  If anybody is going to preach on the virtue of intentionality it's this guy.  I firmly believe his lessons on teaching your money where to go, spending wisely and planning ...

Miscellany Monday #15 - Summer is off to a busy start!

Yes I know it's Tuesday.  But really it's just case and point to my post.  July is too fun to stop and blog! Every July I get caught up in working really hard and playing even harder.  I've contemplated taking formal breaks from blogging in July and I think this year I am actually going to do it!   Here's what is keeping us busy the next few weeks -- Evie has been non-stop learning and growing.  It's so beautiful to watch her take interest in new things, mimic us, and parrot every little word back to us. I can't believe she'll be 20 months later this week! The weather has been electric - as in a lot of thunder and lightening, so my computer has remained off and unplugged.  I'm kind of enjoying the lack of distraction.  The daily rain storms have also kept the summer weather fairly mild (so far), so after dinner walks are a must. Nephew Zachary is in town for a long week to play and I want to soak up every ounce of play time ...