Measurements: Weight: 16lbs 15.5ounces Length: 27.5 inches Feeds: nurses 5 times a day; about 10-15 minutes each session. Diapers: Blueberry Simplex and Smartbottoms size 3 in disposables Clothes: 9 mos and 6-12 mos Shoes: none Teeth: two bottoms Firsts & Milestones: Dec 25 - First Christmas Dec 30 - Tried carrots Jan 12 - flu shots + rolled over Likes: Thumb attention from sisters chewing on anything he can baths Disikes: Tummy time realizing he's alone wet diapers Nathan continues to be a dream baby. He lives by his schedule. I can almost set my watch to it. 7-8 wake + nurse 930 car nap 10:30 nurse 12 cradle nap 2 nurse 3 cradle nap 5 nurse 730 bath 8 nurse and bath His six month visit didn't go as swimmingly as expected. Nathan still isn't putting a lot of pressure on his feet (a 4 month mile...
Where has the time gone? Our first born is FIVE! One whole hand. Three months late is better than never. We love you sweet Evie Girl! Weight: 48lbs Length/Height: 44 inches Eats: 3 full meals, 1-2 snacks, 10-15oz of water, 5oz of almond milk Diapers: Pull Ups at Night Clothes: 6-7 or 7-8 Shoes: 12W Teeth: All are accounted for, nothing loose yet Sleep: 8pm-7:30am + a rare, but welcomed car nap every few months Milestones: Evie went to PT this year for poor muscle tone and a weak core. A lot of this was due to (but also contributing to) her constipation history. After 4 months of weekly physical therapy and diligently doing her homework, Evie caught up to her peers. She's been seeing another specialist for her tummy. She's not 100% on her medication, but we haven't had any set backs or any more vomiting or constipation. Evie can do basic addi...