Ah yes, my most favorite question that I am asked at dinner parties or even around the church where I work, "Is that a real job?" Which is inevitably followed up with "And that is a full-time position?" To which people pause in disbelief and then ask while shaking their head, "What exactly did you study in college to do that?"
Let's start with what I am currently doing, and then get to the juicy details that all my friends in real life are so anxious awaiting.
I was a full-time high school youth minister for three years. I ran the 9th-12th grade youth group. We met on Sundays for two hours, plus during the week for Bible Study. I also met once a week with the adult volunteers to play the Sunday events and retreats or trips. Took the kids on several retreats and trips a year. Yes, lots of work. Lots of coffee. But after three years we had two staff members resign and thus God called me to the challenge of taking on both of them....
I wear two hats. One is three-quarters time. One is quarter-time. Thus, a full-time job. I three-quarters of my time am them middle school youth minister. Doing as state above, but sans the direct contact with bible study...fewer trips, and less planning meetings. My other quart-time job is preparing 180 10th grade students for their Confirmation. This is a 10 week intensive program which includes retreats off site, and a LOT of paper work.
Soon to be.
I will be giving up my middle school hat. This has been a year long discernment and prayer. When Eric started his new job I felt I could finally answer the call to step down in surrender to God's will. I will be able to continue on as an hourly-based employee leading the Confirmation program and then picking up a few little pieces as needed. I'm at the mercy of the pastor's brainstorming and quick decision making. I am excited for this change of pace at the church.
In addition, I will be working part time for a friend who owns a landscape maintenance company. I'll be helping him get organized (don't worry, I already asked, he said he doesn't mind pink polka dot binders and seasonally color coded spreadsheets) and doing some basic marketing. I think this job will leave me more emotional available to serve at the Church than wearing two hats at the Church, and I get to dabble a little in some new fields and skill sets.
I feel like God is calling me to a new challenge. I'm also learning incredible lessons in pride and humility as well as surrender. I have no idea what the future holds, but I am trusting like Abraham that I am doing the will of God.
Let's start with what I am currently doing, and then get to the juicy details that all my friends in real life are so anxious awaiting.
I was a full-time high school youth minister for three years. I ran the 9th-12th grade youth group. We met on Sundays for two hours, plus during the week for Bible Study. I also met once a week with the adult volunteers to play the Sunday events and retreats or trips. Took the kids on several retreats and trips a year. Yes, lots of work. Lots of coffee. But after three years we had two staff members resign and thus God called me to the challenge of taking on both of them....
I wear two hats. One is three-quarters time. One is quarter-time. Thus, a full-time job. I three-quarters of my time am them middle school youth minister. Doing as state above, but sans the direct contact with bible study...fewer trips, and less planning meetings. My other quart-time job is preparing 180 10th grade students for their Confirmation. This is a 10 week intensive program which includes retreats off site, and a LOT of paper work.
Soon to be.
I will be giving up my middle school hat. This has been a year long discernment and prayer. When Eric started his new job I felt I could finally answer the call to step down in surrender to God's will. I will be able to continue on as an hourly-based employee leading the Confirmation program and then picking up a few little pieces as needed. I'm at the mercy of the pastor's brainstorming and quick decision making. I am excited for this change of pace at the church.
In addition, I will be working part time for a friend who owns a landscape maintenance company. I'll be helping him get organized (don't worry, I already asked, he said he doesn't mind pink polka dot binders and seasonally color coded spreadsheets) and doing some basic marketing. I think this job will leave me more emotional available to serve at the Church than wearing two hats at the Church, and I get to dabble a little in some new fields and skill sets.
I feel like God is calling me to a new challenge. I'm also learning incredible lessons in pride and humility as well as surrender. I have no idea what the future holds, but I am trusting like Abraham that I am doing the will of God.

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