A weekend ago we went to our third Ma-ma-ma Monster Jam!
Thank you Katie for capturing this awesome photo of my husband's moustache on your iPhone :)
Raise your hand if you're cute
Oh good, Evie's got this down!
My Alma Mater played Xavier in basketball on Saturday. We got ready to head to Taco Mac Prado for the Alumni game watch, but Evie was being fussy and we would have missed almost the entire first half. Instead, Eric and I went to the new Taco Mac just down the street from us (win!) and had lunch with our crabby girl. At least she's cute, right? We had the lead the entire game, and our rivals didn't throw punches. It was nice to go out just the three of us. Eric and I needed a good chat, and during half time we got just that.
Mom, will you please stop taking pictures of me?
My Dad and I are taking a photography class through a community arts center. We had taken one back in May and learned a lot, but after practicing (and failing, a lot) we wanted to take a longer course that separated the skills into week long lessons. This week we're learning about Shutter Priority and Aperture Priority.
Evie is starting to drink a full 4-5 oz per sitting these days. In anticipation of her drinking more than that, I bought these 9oz glass bottles from Life Factory. They also convert into sippy cups and water bottles as she gets older. Yay! I might have been a little quick on the purchase, but we had an Amazon credit burning a hole in my pocket. (And we wanted to give them a try before we order the 22oz ones for us! Forget BPA-free, we're going plastic free.)
Did you see this? Gulp.
Supposedly the average in February is 29. That's a little more do-able. Anyway, we're going to Minneapolis for a wedding next month, so I bought some new boots (my feet are still too big for my shoes, I am beginning to fear they are officially a half size bigger. Waaah!), a dress for the wedding (holy flabby belly batman), and lots of snuggly clothes for Evie. As always, a special thank you to my in-laws Macy's discount :)
Saving the best for last....{drum roll}
After a horribly fussy week, Miss Evie slept from 10:30-6:45 this morning, had a bottle and went back to sleep until 10:30 am. And when she woke up, she pooped TWICE (first time in 5 days, praise Jesus!) and fell back to sleep. I got so much done today...including this randomly long post!
Saving the best for last....{drum roll}
After a horribly fussy week, Miss Evie slept from 10:30-6:45 this morning, had a bottle and went back to sleep until 10:30 am. And when she woke up, she pooped TWICE (first time in 5 days, praise Jesus!) and fell back to sleep. I got so much done today...including this randomly long post!

evie sure does have it down. what a cutie! and have fun in that class... i love learning, it opens up the whole wide world of picture taking!