My Mom (who is a high school media specialist) was on Spring Break / Holy Week Break. My nephew, Connor, was on break too since he goes to daycare at her school. My mom and I decided to take the kids to the zoo for the day. Zoo Atlanta gets really hot, crowded, and miserable during the summer so this was the perfect time to go. We got lucky with a cloudy, cool day. It made for tricky picture taking but a cool temperature was worth it!
Evie Pie was all strapped in and ready to stroll!
So sorry to interrupt ;-)
Connor and Nana looking for the monkeys
Learning how to use the map.
Red Pandas. Connor learned what a "hammock" was.
We had a crowded visit at the regular elephant viewing area and got lucky for this front row spot by their cleaning and feeding area. Connor was mesmerized.
We had to check the map a few times to figure out where the snakes were.
The snake room was very dark and no flash photography allowed. So no pictures of Connor singing to the snakes. He was VERY excited to see them. He talked about them all day.
Lunch break!
Checking the map (again) to make sure we visited everything. Thank God he can't read to know that we missed the entire petting zoo. I don't do petting zoos. Or animals in general. This was my once a decade trip to the zoo. Which is why this is my favorite exhibit:
I am talking about the ice cream, not the scary white legs. Though they are their own site.
Saying good-bye to the elephants as we left.

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