Yesterday was Eric's BIL's actual birthday, but we celebrated my Mom's birthday, which is actually tomorrow. Dan is the first of us to turn 30. Leeann and I follow this summer/fall. My mom, well, I won't reveal her age, but if you remember her milestone party last year, you can do the math. Happy Birthday, Dan and Mom!
We went to a Super Bowl Party last night. But let's be honest, professional football is not college football. Professional football is so off my radar (because it's college basketball season, duh!) that I almost forgot it was time for the Big Game. Clearly, I wasn't at the party for the game, but for the food. I love game watch food. Cheesy dips are my middle name.
Speaking of food...I may eventually expand on this thought, but in the mean time, I would like to announce that my relationship with food has changed significantly in the last year, and is continuing to evolve. It's no longer my life blood, one true love, and creative outlet. It's become fuel for a healthy body. The pregnancy related food aversions and complications changed this in my core. It was about dang time.
My photo book arrived! It is stunning. If you have (or have access to) a Mac I highly recommend using iPhoto or Aperture to make photo books. They cost a little more than their online counterparts, but the quality is outstanding for the price. Seriously beautiful. Side note: I have been toying with the idea for sometime now of making photo books for people as a side job. Trying to figure out reasonable prices, my work process, and questions I would need to ask clients to guide my work. Do you think this is worth pursuing? How much would you pay?
And speaking of photography...this week's assignment was portraits. We had to do portraits of 1, 2, and 3 people. Here are my unedited photos I am turning in tonight. And when professionals say you can use 10% of what you take, they mean it! I shot 67 photos for this assignment and these are the only ones worth showing.
Photo Shoot Out Takes.
And then this gem...
Linking up with Carissa at lowercase letters

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