Weight: from 7lbs 14 oz (birth) to 11lbs 5.5 oz (65%)
Length: from 20.5 inches (birth) to 24 inches (97%)
Feeds: About 15-20 minutes about every 2.5-4 hours during the day, and every 5-9 hours at night
Diapers: Tiny Fit Tots Bots cloth diapers, and size 1 disposables (at night)
Clothes: Fits great in 3 month clothes, but ready for 6 month in footie pajamas!
Shoes: none
Teeth: none
Following objects with her eyes
Shoes: none
Teeth: none
May 8 - Five+ Hour night time sleep stretch
May 16 - Non-family member babysitter
May 19 - Social Smile
May 23 & 24 - Spent two long days with Nana & Grandpa while Mom & Dad were at a wedding
May 29 - Trip to the cabin
May 16 - Non-family member babysitter
May 19 - Social Smile
May 23 & 24 - Spent two long days with Nana & Grandpa while Mom & Dad were at a wedding
May 29 - Trip to the cabin
June 2 - Sleep through the night (9:30-6:30)
June 9 - First vaccinations
June 9 - First vaccinations
Following objects with her eyes
Grasping our finger or tiny toys in her hand
Social smiles
Can recognize Mommy, Daddy and Evie
Slowly outgrowing the crazy hiccups
Lifts feet and wiggles around
A good bedtime swaddle
Bath time, especially if the water is really warm
Her swing
Looking at the animals on her play mat
Being held to fall asleep
Her MAM pacifiers
Looking at the animals on her play mat
Being held to fall asleep
Her MAM pacifiers
Wet diapers
Being cold
When Evie plays too rough with her
Being startled awake
Being startled awake
We've found our stride between the Moms On Call
super-structured schedule and the The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
the-baby-is-in-charge schedule. Using the theories of Moms On Call we've had Maggie sleeping through the night for last 8/10 days.
With Maggie sleeping through the night I'm usually so full in the morning that she easily over does it with her first morning feeding. I have to be careful so she doesn't milk-barf all over us!
Maggie does her best feedings while in football hold. It's tricky now that she's getting so long. She's fine in other positions, but that's it. She's fine.
After trying eye drops to rule out conjunctivitis Maggie has been diagnosed with a clogged tear duct in her right eye. We have to do a warm compress massage on the area between her eye and nose and hope she grows out of it.
We'd noticed her belly button was still enlarged. I just thought I didn't remember how long they take to go down. Turns out she has a small hernia that is expected to go away on it's own.
We thought she was growing out of the snorts-when-crying thing, but she hasn't. I wonder if this will be something she does her whole life? Or if she'll be a snorts-when-laughing kid? It's cute now. I hope it's not something she's self conscious about when she's older.
Our daily routine - A general idea
6:30 morning feed
shower, Evie gets up, breakfast
take Evie to school/camp/VBS
9:30/10:30 mid-morning feed + errands + Maggie naps
1:30 pick up Evie
2:00 afternoon feed
Maggie naps
Evie naps
Mommy naps/tv/blog/email
4:00/4:30 girls wake up
Evie shows + snack
5:00 late afternoon feed
make dinner + eat
Daddy gets home!
family play time or walk
7:00 snack feed
7:30 start girl's bedtime routine
9:00/9:30 Maggie bedtime feeding
Everyone sleeps!
super-structured schedule and the The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
the-baby-is-in-charge schedule. Using the theories of Moms On Call we've had Maggie sleeping through the night for last 8/10 days.
With Maggie sleeping through the night I'm usually so full in the morning that she easily over does it with her first morning feeding. I have to be careful so she doesn't milk-barf all over us!
Maggie does her best feedings while in football hold. It's tricky now that she's getting so long. She's fine in other positions, but that's it. She's fine.
After trying eye drops to rule out conjunctivitis Maggie has been diagnosed with a clogged tear duct in her right eye. We have to do a warm compress massage on the area between her eye and nose and hope she grows out of it.
We'd noticed her belly button was still enlarged. I just thought I didn't remember how long they take to go down. Turns out she has a small hernia that is expected to go away on it's own.
We thought she was growing out of the snorts-when-crying thing, but she hasn't. I wonder if this will be something she does her whole life? Or if she'll be a snorts-when-laughing kid? It's cute now. I hope it's not something she's self conscious about when she's older.
Our daily routine - A general idea
6:30 morning feed
shower, Evie gets up, breakfast
take Evie to school/camp/VBS
9:30/10:30 mid-morning feed + errands + Maggie naps
1:30 pick up Evie
2:00 afternoon feed
Maggie naps
Evie naps
Mommy naps/tv/blog/email
4:00/4:30 girls wake up
Evie shows + snack
5:00 late afternoon feed
make dinner + eat
Daddy gets home!
family play time or walk
7:00 snack feed
7:30 start girl's bedtime routine
9:00/9:30 Maggie bedtime feeding
Everyone sleeps!
What They Say:
So this is it, you're done right? Or are you going to try for a boy?
She looks just like Eric!
Got your hands full there, don't you?
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