Weight: ~16lbs
Length: 27-28 inches
Feeds: nurses 5 times a day; about 15-20 minutes each session.
Diapers: Blueberry Simplex and Smartbottoms
size 3 in disposables
size 3 in disposables
Clothes: 6 mos and 6-9 mos, 9 mos and 6-12 mos
Shoes: none
Teeth: none; those bottom ones will be here soon!
Nov 8 - Celebrated Evie's 5th birthday at Disney
Nov 24 - Thanksgiving
Nov 27 - Full Family Professional Photos
School tours for Evie!
Nov 24 - Thanksgiving
Nov 27 - Full Family Professional Photos
School tours for Evie!
Looks for toys or people
Smiles and laughs
Coos and "talks"
Loves his thumbs!
Graduated to sleep sack for naps and bed
Sticking to his Moms-on-Call feeding, napping, and sleeping schedule
getting ready for solids!
Lifting his legs up
Getting ready to roll
getting ready for solids!
Lifting his legs up
Getting ready to roll
Bath time
Diaper changes
Attention from his family
Floor gym
When the girls play with him on the floor
When the girls play with him on the floor
Too much Maggie in his face
The cold
When mommy walks away
Being hungry
Being hungry
What they say:
"He looks JUST like Evie"
"he looks JUST like Maggie"
"He's such a long baby!"
"Hasn't he just stollen your heart?"
"He is the sweetest boy"
"Seriously, is he the best baby ever?"
"he looks JUST like Maggie"
"He's such a long baby!"
"Hasn't he just stollen your heart?"
"He is the sweetest boy"
"Seriously, is he the best baby ever?"

We love our sweet Nathan. I can't imagine not having him in our family. He balances us out so well. He has a sweet disposition and is already so easy going.
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